Rocket Bits
Saturday, December 3rd, 2011I just released a new free iPhone / iPad game called Rocket Bits! Check it out here:
Here’s the deal: It’s an experimental game in the sense that I’ll be creating it based on everyone’s suggestions! So far it’s just a little rocket ship that you can fly around a randomly generated map in a blocky 8-bit style. That’s it! As people send in ideas for the game, I’ll update the game on the AppStore.
I’ll be trying my best to release weekly updates to show off the progress of the game… and if you send me a suggestion for the game I’ll add your name to the credits!
Anyone that buys the game now ( when it’s free ) will get free updates for life! Once there is actually a true game I’ll bump up the price to an outrageous $0.99! If you don’t pick it up now you’ll have to start saving your pennies!
Why do this? I think it’ll be fun! I’ll get to hear all your wacky ideas… and better yet: I’ll have to try to implement some of them! Plus, you guys will get to shape the game however you want! Who knows what it’ll turn out to be!
Ok, go get Rocket Bits and start sending me ideas!
…I’m off to play more Skyrim…
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